DocsKit by platformOS

From draft to deployment: all you need within a single managed open-source Docs as Code documentation solution

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The inspiration The platformOS documentation

Drawing from the extensive research, experience, and insights garnered while crafting the multi-award-winning platformOS Documentation, DocsKit represents a distillation of all the best practices, techniques, and features that have set our documentation apart. Every lesson learned, challenge faced, and triumph achieved in the creation of our documentation has shaped and enhanced DocsKit.

platformOS documentation

The features Why choose DocsKit?

Choosing the right tools for your documentation can often feel like piecing together a puzzle — ensuring each component fits perfectly while keeping up with the latest standards and techniques. With DocsKit, say goodbye to the endless hunt for compatible solutions. Every feature in DocsKit is meticulously crafted to work in harmony, offering you a seamless experience.

Easy setup

Simplify setup with DocsKit's open-source code and templates for quick site deployment.

Markdown and MDX support

Effortlessly compose docs with DocsKit's Markdown and MDX support.

Customizable themes

Customize your site's look with DocsKit's themes or create your own.

Navigation and organization

Streamline navigation with DocsKit's automated features.


DocsKit offers green hosting with built-in CI/CD, automated DevOps, robust security, and disaster recovery.

Versioning and source control

Simplify documentation management with DocsKit's Git integration.

Collaboration and contribution

Enhance teamwork and contribution with DocsKit's collaborative Docs as Code editorial workflow.

Accessibility compliance

Ensure inclusivity with DocsKit's accessibility support, meeting WCAG standards.


DocsKit prioritizes performance, ensuring swift access for a seamless user experience.

The design elements Crafted specifically to your convenience

Pre-designed custom components can be easily integrated into your MDX documentation pages, enhancing both their functionality and aesthetics.

The pricing Handpick the packages that suit your goals

Struggling with a fragmented documentation process? Whether you want to build your own documentation site or prefer a ready-to-use solution, we’ve got you covered. Dive into our packages designed to cater to specific needs like content migration, theme customization, training, and even performance and accessibility audits.

View Pricing & Packages
platformOS documentation

Embrace a streamlined, all-in-one documentation management experience Contact us, we're here to help!

Our team of documentation experts is dedicated to ensuring your success.

Uncover the strategies behind our multi-award-winning platformOS Documentation and learn how to build your own.

platformOS documentation